
Data management, digitization, and geospatial analysis for town of Valmeyer move.

The scenario for this assignment was that the town of Valmeyer in Illinois took the nearly unprecedented step of moving the entire town from one location to another in order to mitigate its risk from flood. My job was to maintain a GIS layer of parcel information, which describes property boundaries and locations, and which other staff in the assessor's office use in the property appraisals, for the county. Because the town moved, this parcel information was out of date and needed to be updated. In addition, I added information to the parcels to help the state department of emergency management in its analysis of the town's move so that it could better handle future disasters. This information included the mean, minimum, and maximum elevation and slope of each parcel, as well as the mean distance to the location of the old town for each parcel. Also, the county needed a new roads layer covering the new area of Valmeyer, since its old one became outdated when all the homes moved. The official TIGER road lines from the US Census Bureau won't be updated for a while, and the county needed a rough sense of where the roads are for routing emergency vehicles.

The tools I used include setting Geoprocessing Environments, Spatial Analyst: Slope, Spatial Analyst: Zonal Statistics, Data Management: Join Field, Spatial Analyst: Euclidean Distance, Create Feature: Polyline, Symbology, Web Maps.